Thursday 28 March 2013

Kim Jae Wook talked about Rain at DEMA interview before his discharge

Kim Jae Wook talked about Rain at DEMA interview before his discharge
English translation:  huhuhuhu @ The Cloud
Source:  Interview video at DEMA

Translation on Rain parts only

Q.  How are you doing just before your discharge?

....I have been our squad commander for about a month and have now passed this duty to Corporal Jung Ji Hoon....

Q.  Of your successors, who will haunt your memories most after you discharge?

Corporal Jung Ji Hoon with whom I have spent a lot of time together here at DEMA.  He feels quite sad now and even asked me to stay  hahaha

Q.  Reserve Sergeant Lim Ju Hwan has written a message to you: "Jae Wook, how should we tease Ji Hoon? Should we travel overseas together, take a picture and send to him?"

Sending him such a picture is basic stuff.  To be accurate, there is a 97 days gap between our military service.  I have been thinking every day how to fill this 97 days gap interestingly, as it will never come back again.  For example, Corporal Jung Ji Hoon really wants to wear a suit now.  He always said that when he is discharged, he wants to wear a smart suit.  Since I will be discharged before him, maybe I will wear a suit to visit him in the camp. I have been thinking about this ^^

Romanian translation by benghi

Kim Jae Wook a vorbit despre Rain intr-un interviu la DEMA inainte de eliberarea sa

Traducerea doar pentru fragmentele despre Rain :

Q:  Cum te simti chiar inainte de eliberare?

- Am fost Comandantul de Echipa cam pentru o luna, iar acum i-am plasat aceasta datorie Caporalul Jung Ji Hoon...

Q:  Dintre succesorii tai, cine iti va bantui amintirile cel mai mult dupa eliberare?

- Caporalul Jung Ji Hoon, cu care am petrecut foarte mult timp aici la DEMA. El se simte foarte trist acum si chiar mi-a cerut sa raman. Ha ha ha

Q:  Sergentul de rezerva Lim Ju Hwan ti-a scris un mesaj: "Jae Wook, cum sa-l sicanam pe Ji Hoon? Sa calatorim impreuna peste ocean, sa facem o poza si sa i-o trimitem? "

- A-i trimite asa o poza este banal. Sa fiu precis, este un decalaj de 97 de zile intre serviciile noastre militare. M-am gandit in fiecare zi cum sa completez interesant acest decalaj, ca si cum nu s-ar mai intoarce niciodata. De exemplu, Caporalul Jung Ji Hoon vrea foarte mult ca acum sa poarte un costum. El a spus intotdeauna ca atunci cand va fi eliberat el vrea sa poarte un costum. Cum eu voi fi eliberat inaintea lui, poate voi purta un costum cand il voi vizita in tabara. M-am gandit la asta  ^^

(more translations to be added)

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